Port Qasim Authority (PQA) has rationalised port charges with a view to increase efficiency and make its competitive, economical and user-friendly. A press release on Wednesday said that a number of charges have been reduced, procedures streamlined and simplified. The new tariffs mark a significant reduction in the port's arrival cost of vessels to the ultimate benefit of the end users. The new tariffs have been made effective from May 19, 2005, including 20 percent reduction in port dues on all ocean-going vessels calling at the PQA.
The Authority has also reduced towage charges from $490 per tug per hour to $485. The port also slashed launch attendance charges from $52 to $50.
The port has introduced a new charging procedure in which it would charge berthing fee on six-hourly basis, after first day of vessel's stay. There is reduction in hiring charges @25 percent in Term Storage Areas.
The Authority has cut 15 percent in wharfage charges of coal at its marginal wharf.
The port has also withdrawn all extra pilotage between sunset/sunrise and on holidays.
The port has also eliminated one-time holding charge @ Rs 11 per ton on import cargo.
'Free period' has been increased through an extension of landing date from completion of the vessel. The port has also introduced three slabs instead of four in storage charge, inclusion of weighment charges and entry fee on vehicles in PQA tariffs.
A discount of 25 percent will be allowed in wet charges on all ocean-going vessels under Pakistani flag.-PR
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