The Sindh High Court on Friday dismissed bail applications of sub-registrar of Agricultural Land Mohammad Zafar Baloch, a co-accused in corruption cases against sacked provincial revenue minister Imtiaz Ahmed Sheikh and other revenue officials. Imtiaz Sheikh, his brother Maqbool Sheikh and revenue department officials are accused of committing forgery in revenue record, fraud, facilitation to land Mafia and abuse of their official position causing huge loss to the government exchequer.
Prosecution charged that Zafar Baloch illegally registered more than 80 documents of deeds, including three power of attorneys during his stay as sub-registrar in collision with other co-accused, who got transferred large area of the government, including seashore in favour of land Mafia.
His bail applications in five corruption cases, filed by his counsel Faiz H Shah, were heard by Justice Mohammad Sadiq Leghari.
The application was vehemently opposed by Additional Advocate General Sarwar Khan submitting applicant is involved in huge corruption scam. The court after hearing counsels observed that case of granting bail is not made out as there were reasonable ground to believe the applicant's involvement in corruption cases and dismissed the same.
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