Azad Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference President, Sardar Attique Ahmed Khan, has said that if the ongoing process kept moving ahead unrestricted, days are not far when the Kashmiris would get their rights. Speaking at a PTV programme, Khan said, it is due to the leadership abilities of President General Pervez Musharraf that India and Pakistan were sitting on dialogue table.
He said a positive change had occurred in the attitude of Indian leadership. Attique said the window of tripartite dialogue has practically opened following the visit of APHC leaders to AJK and Pakistan.
He said the volume of love, which the people of AJK and Pakistan had demonstrated during the visit of APHC leaders, is a message for entire world.
Kashmir has become the focus of interest internationally, he said adding, those who want peace and prosperity in Asia wish an earliest settlement of the issue.
To a question, he said, Pakistan has fulfilled all the regional and international obligations in AJK.
He said the ice on the issue of Kashmir has already started to melt, adding one may hope for more positive changes to occur in the days to come.
Responding to another question, he said, the Kashmiris belonging to all the groups hold united stand as far as their cause is concerned.
Attique said the real thing is solution of Kashmir dispute that should be acceptable to all parties no matter whatsoever the method is.
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