The Naib Amir of Jamaat-i-Islami, Senator Professor Ghafoor Ahmed, has flayed the government's decision of expelling foreign students from the Madressahs of the country. He feared that as a reaction, Pakistani students studying abroad might face also expulsion.
In an interview, Professor Ghafoor said that the Madressahs in Pakistan were rendering great services and imparting religious education to poor students peacefully, and added that Islam was a religion of peace and it had nothing to do with terrorism. Crackdown on Madaris was proving that President General Musharraf was implementing the US dictates and targeting Madressahs to please America, he remarked, rejecting the Western propaganda that the Madressahs were "nurseries of terrorism."
He said Pakistanis had never been involved in terrorism against any one and General Musharraf should avoid confession of the "crimes" never committed by Pakistanis.
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