Four more members of the Public Safety Commission (PSO) would retire in the coming October, said its chairman Sahabzada Muhammad Ibrahim on Tuesday. He told newsmen that four members of the commission who were nazims of the union councils retired in June last, while the four independent members would cease to hold their offices in October 2005.
Those who have already retired include Tahmina Tariq Gujjar, Muzaffar Yasin, Yasin Khan Tareen and Zahid Butt. The independent members due to retire in October are Durayya Rabia advocate, Dr Muhammad Akmal Madni, Khizer Hayat Sindhu and Ijaz Ahmed Shah.
The chairman said the other three members were the Members of the Provincial Assembly (MPAs), namely Shamim Akhtar, Rai Mansab Ali and Mirza Furqan Mughal. He said some changes had been introduced in the composition of the commission. The total number of members was being reduced from 11 to nine and its tenure being increased from one year to three years, he added.
He said when the commission consisted of nine members, three members would be taken from each category ie nazims, independents and Member of Provincial Assembly (MPAs).
Increasing the tenure of the commission indicated that it was serving the purpose of its creation and redressing the grievances of the people effectively, he said.
Sahabzada Ibrahim said some modifications were also being incorporated in the Police Order 2002, which would give more powers to the commission to enable it to deliver to the satisfaction of the common man.
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