Early concerns about a lack of high protein wheat in the new US hard red winter wheat crop have largely abated as the harvest nears conclusion, wheat experts said this week. Though levels are lower than found in last year's crop, there is enough wheat at mid-level proteins to meet domestic mill demand, merchandisers and analysts said.
The new crop from key producers Kansas, Texas and Oklahoma and Nebraska is showing on average protein at about 12 percent, suitable for most bread makers.
"It shouldn't really be a problem for the millers this year," said Kansas State University wheat quality specialist Robert Bennett. "It's should be a good crop for the miller and a good crop for the baker." Most of the domestic use for US HRW is bread and rolls and the mid-to higher-protein content of 12 percent protein and above is needed to ensure good gluten quality.
Kansas, the largest US wheat-growing state, with an estimated 374.4 million bushels cut this year, had average protein of about 12.3 percent, according to sampling data reported by US Wheat Associates, an industry export marketing organisation.
Nebraska saw overall average protein of 12.2 percent, while in Texas, the overall average protein came in at 11.7 percent, and Oklahoma overall average protein was 11.8 percent, according to US Wheat.
The hard red winter wheat harvest is continuing into Montana this week, with the state about half finished as of Sunday. Overall, the HRW wheat crop is considered 94 percent completed, according to the USDA.
Millers often blend HRW wheat with spring wheat supplies, though spring wheat is generally more pricey to buy and transport.
There also were some concerns about protein levels in this year's spring wheat crop, but those are not yet significant though the new spring wheat crop is only 23 percent harvested, said Ken Fleischmann, a Kansas City wheat broker.
Prudential Securities analyst Shawn McCambridge said the market had adopted a "wait-and-see attitude on the spring wheat," as concerns abated on protein levels of HRW wheat.
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