Newly elected cabinet of the Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI) will took charge of the affairs of the chamber from October 1, while the present body will formally hand over the charge to newly elected President Jalil Ahmed Malik, Senior Vice President Syed Mushtaq Ahmed Shah and Vice President Ali Raza Shah.
Jalil Ahmed, renowned business leader of the region will replace Najam Rehan, who was 42nd president of the chamber and played an important role in highlighting the problems of the business community and streamlining the tax system.
Jalil Ahmed Malik, is 43rd president of the chamber who got elected as president for the first time and unopposed, as the 24 member executive committee has reposed confidence on him and elected him unanimously.
Former finance minister of Pakistan and Senator Ehsanul Haq Piracha is the only person in this region who occupied the berth of president RCCI for five times. Besides Ehsanul Haq Piracha, former senator and president FPCCI, Ilyas Bilour, former finance minister Mian Habibullah, Tariq Naseem president FPCCI and present Zonal Chairman of FPCCI Suhail Altaf Khan had served chamber as president.
Out-going President Najam Rehan, and his team, including Jalil Ahmed Malik, senior vice president (who has now been elected as president) and Asad Haider Mashhadi, vice president, will, in the AGM on Thursday, thank the members for co-operation during their tenure, and brief the new body about the policies and the efforts they made for the betterment of the business community.
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