Acute shortage of sugar at the officially fixed priced at Rs 23 per kilogram sent buyer berserk at the utility stores and at places such as Monday Bazaars and Sunday Bazaars set up in different localities.
Report from different bazaars set up on Sunday and Monday showed that people stormed selling points to purchase sugar at officially fixed price but finding these outlets exhausted of stocks or closed they pulled down tents at the bazaars and pelted stones on closed shops.
Sugar is not the only commodity that is in short supply on controlled price but there are other articles such as wheat flour, gram, cereals, porridge and milk powder that are being sold on higher prices in total disregard to officially fixed prices.
Almost all those shops, which have displayed price list, have two kinds of items one is available on controlled price and the other on the higher prices. Whatever is being sold at the controlled price is not fit for human consumption.
VEGETABLE, MEAT: In vegetable, fruit and meat market the situation is no different. Mutton is being sold at Rs 240-260 per kg, beef at Rs 160-180 per kilo, chicken at Rs 120, vegetables - spinach, brinjal, potato and chilies in particular, are available at least five rupees above the fixed price. Among fruit, grapes, apple, melon and banana are the most sought after items for breaking fast (iftar). Grapes are available at Rs 80-100 per kg, apple Rs 40-50 per kg, melon at Rs 25-30 per kg and banana at Rs 30-40 per dozen. Guava of the third class quality is available at Rs 30 per kg.
The fleecing of consumers continues despite strict instructions of the government to its officials to check price manipulation by the traders.
There is significant disregard of law and order in the market after the elections of city nazim. Shop owners in Goal market and Gulshan-e-Iqbal market have free hand and have refused to display price list. They are charging high prices for essential food items. These two markets have neither price checking staff nor complaint centres.
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