The Karachi Port handled 129,357 tonnes of cargo including 100,815 tonnes import and 28,542 tonnes export cargo including 4,613 containers during last 24 hours ending at 0700 hours on Wednesday.
The cargo comprised of 79,857 tonnes dry cargo including 64,156 tonnes general cargo; 516 tonnes fertiliser; 12,003 tonnes coal; 3,182 tonnes iron/scrap and 49,500 tonnes oil/liquid cargo.
Five ships namely Cma Cgm Simba, Yang Jiang He, African Eagle, Yong Xiang-9 and Samho Heron sailed out to sea during the report period.
Six vessels viz Kuo Hung, Mol Silver Fern, Iran Baabaei, Stella M, MT Lalazar and Hannibal-II are currently at the berths.
Four ships namely Apl Cario, Iran Baabaei, Corinthiakos and Kuo Hung expected to sail on Wednesday, while four vessels viz Venture Ace, Kota Wangsa, Hyundai Advance and Hannibal-II are expected to sail on Thursday.
Three ships namely Hyundai Advance, Magway and Venture Ace due to arrive on Wednesday, while five vessels viz Lilac, Golden Express, Harima 2, Iran Eghbal and Iron Butterfly are due to arrive on Thursday.
The cargo comprised of 8,650 tonnes edible oil; 6,614 tonnes seeds; 10,480 tonnes wheat; 9,761 tonnes chemicals; 2,951 tonnes iron ore and 25,993 tonnes containerised cargo.
Three ships namely CV MSC Camilla, Sealand Voyager and MV Sea Synergy sailed out to sea during the report period, while two more vessels viz CV Gallant Wave and MT Lauren are expected to sail on Wednesday.
A total of nine vessels viz Gallant Wave, Cma Cgm Nilgai, Keefan, Mar Eina, Enrico Evoli, Polska Wakzaca, Astro Spirit, Glory and Euro Ace are currently at the outer anchorage.
Five ships namely Gallant Wave, Cma Cgm Nilgai, Keefan, Enrico Evoli and Polska Wakzaca due to take berths on Wednesday.
General cargo carrier MV Great Dream due to arrive on Wednesday, while three more ships namely CV Saudi Diriyah, Qai Al-Fuja'a and Msc Germany with containers are due to arrive on Thursday.
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