It?s no new knowledge, ever since the legalization of cannabis various studies and researches have been conducted on the infamous substance, but the latest one in on the trend is just one ? a new research now suggests that cannabis essentially gives it?s consumers better night vision.
The first trials were done on tadpoles which inevitably proved that the drug could make the retina ? the part of the eye that receives light ergo providing vision ? made it more sensitive to light and could help people see better in low visibility and also treat degenerative eye conditions.
Although technically not new, 25-years-ago, As Mo Costandi, a pharmacologist from the University of West Indies in Jamaica had reported that local fishermen who smoked weed or drank a rum made of its leaves and/or stems of the cannabis plant had a mysterious capacity to see things better in the dark.
In 2002, a team of researchers from US and Spain had set out to verify rumors that Moroccan fishermen and mountain occupants who smoked hashish had could uncannily see objects in near dark visibility.
They had four volunteers, one of whom was given a placebo and the other hashish, the test actually concluded that the subject who consumed the substance had better night vision and the results were published in the Journal of Ethno-Pharmacology in 2004.
Even since then no one has - of now - been able to provide a solid explanation as to how exactly on a biological basis weed could have that effect.
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