The United States Chamber of Commerce (USCC) is keen to increasing strong commercial relations with Pakistan, said Executive Director of US-Pak Business Council (USPBC) of US Chamber of Commerce Esperanza Gomes.
Talking from Washington on telephone on Thursday with Pak US Business Council Chairman and former President of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) Iftikhar Malik, she said the US-Pakistan Business Council and the USCC were the most important contacts in the US for promotion of trade relations between the two countries.
The USPBC is a consortium of US companies with investment and trade interests in Pakistan, and represents leading corporations in the sectors of food and beverages, energy, including gas, oil and power generation financial services and insurance telecommunications, information technology and infrastructure development.
Gomes said her previous visits to Pakistan when she accompanied Vice-President of South Asia Middle East and Africa Department, USCC, Dr Herbert j. Davis, had been very successful and fruitful.
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