The fishing policy is being revised to enhance earning of foreign exchange and improve socio-economic uplift of the small-scale fishermen. An official source told APP here on Friday that an action plan is also underway for the improvement of deep sea fishing in the country.
Resource surveys and research on stock assessment, migratory pattern, bioloqical studies of demersal, small pelagic, large pelagic and mecopelagic fisheries will be carried out to develop strategies for sustained exploitation.
The fishermen may be provided with boats with modern gadget and their skill may be up-grading through training in modern fishing techniques.
This would enable them to harvest the fishery resources of the area between 12 to 35 nautical miles and better prices for their harvest through improved marketing.
A shrimp conservation policy may be followed by limiting the number of trawlers to 600, observing closed season for two months (June and July) to reduce to juvenile mortality and canning trawling inside the Indus delta creeks.
The traditional fishing fleet will be modernised by providing high power engines, navigational and communication equipment and improvement of dock facilities, in order to enhance their capability to fish in relatively deep waters.
An export outlet from Gwadar and Pasni may be provided in order to provide fishermen of the area to export their catch directly to Gulf countries.
Improved technologies will be adopted through research on fundamentals of fish biology, reproductive physiology, ecology, fish nutrition, health, management, population dynamics and control of aquatic vegetation especially in natural lakes.
The discharge of industrial effect in rivers and sea will be checked through legislation to reduce the effect of pollution on aquatic life.
Improved aquaculture techniques like pen culture and cage culture may be introduced through demonstration of fish farmers.
Comprehensive aquaculture research on disease control, fish nutrition, feed formulation, genetics, pollution control etc will be undertaken by the Fisheries Departments.
Under the new policy, deep sea fishing operation will be continued but at the same time heavy penalties would be enhanced so that these vessels should not intrude into the areas beyond 35 nautical miles.
The financial institutions like ADBP and SBFC have been directed to extend loans at concession rates to the small fishermen.
Korangi Fish Harbour has also been made operational and arrangements are underway to provide necessary facilities including transportation, availability of gas, security, storage and other infrastructure.
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