Equities partially recovered at the Islamabad Stock Exchange (ISE) where bears handed over the floor to the bulls amid increase in index. ISE Ten index showed an improvement of 17.00 points, as the ten index moved from 3,147.74 to 3,164.74 points.
The overall turnover amounted to 502,600 shares as compared to previous volume of 1,171,400 shares. Total 136 companies were quoted on the ready-board. Majority of stocks (70) closed in positive territory, 66 landed in minus column, whereas zero company remained pegged to its overnight level.
The volume of PTCL was 273,000 shares as compared to previous volume of 55,700 shares. The volume of OGDCL was 196,200 shares as compared to previous turnover of 201,200 shares. The turnover of PSO was 9500 shares.
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