Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi has said that a crackdown has been initiated against the elements engaged in the production of sharp kite flying string, metal wire and nylon cord, and joint teams of police and representatives of district governments would conduct raids in this regard.
He expressed these views while presiding over a high-level meeting regarding kite flying and law and order situation here on Tuesday, disclosed an official. Punjab Law Minister Muhammad Basharat Raja, Punjab Chief Secretary Salman Siddique, Additional Chief Secretary Najeeb Ullah Malik, District Nazim Mian Amer Mehmood, Secretary Information Taimur Azmat Osman, Secretary Home Khusru Pervaiz, Secretary Law Sheikh Ahmad Farooq, Director General PHA Shabbir Ahmad, Capital City Police Chief Kh. Khalid Farooq, DCO Lahore Mian Ijaz, SSP Operations Amir Zulfiqar and Advocate General Punjab Aftab Iqbal Chaudhry were also present on the occasion.
The Chief Minister said that it is a matter of concern that a healthy sport activity is being turned into a game of death. "The government would not allow anyone to turn kite flying into a killing spree and there is no ban on erecting protective wire on motorcycles," he added.
According to him, the ban on kite flying with manja-coated sharp string, metal wire and nylon cord would be strictly implemented, and SP and SHO concerned would be responsible for any death due to the use of prohibited string in their respective areas.
A permanent ban on kite flying would be imposed if deaths continued due to dangerous kite flying. No one would be permitted to turn this sport into a bloodbath of innocent citizens. Hundreds of persons involved in preparation and use of prohibited string have been arrested.
"Action under Terrorism Act would be taken in case of deaths due to chemical or other dangerous kite flying string. Anyone who would provide information about production or use of killer string would be awarded a prize of Rs 25,000," he added.
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