Sindh Health Minister Shabbir Ahmed Qaimkhani said on Wednesday that private hospitals would be brought under code of ethics and their fee would be checked after approval of Private Hospital Registration and Control Ordinance.
"After approval of said ordinance, practice of quake doctors would be prohibited," he said while talking to newsmen at his office on Wednesday.
He said a cleanliness drive in all government hospitals will soon be launched. "Maintaining cleanliness in hospital is the top priority of the health department Sindh," he said and added that poor sanitation in government hospitals reflects the inefficiency and negligence of the respective superintendent of the hospital.
The minister while issuing warning to medical superintendents said he would pay surprise visits to various government hospitals to inspect the cleanliness and in case of poor sanitation conditions, the same would be reflected in their annual confidence report.
In this regard, he said the concerned in charge of the hospital would also be held responsible and he will face disciplinary action.
Issuing directives of cleanliness and maintenance of good environment in government hospitals, the minister said Islam also urges maintaining cleanliness. He said doctors should attend their duties regularly with punctuality, as due to their absence the patients suffer.
Shabbir Ahmed Qaimkhani said doctors and para-medical staff should remain in the hospitals during duty hours and should also remain in contact in case of emergency after duty timings.
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