Singapore share prices closed flat on Thursday in a market that lacked fresh leads, dealers said. The Straits Times Index was up 1.65 points at 2,504.25 on volume of 884 million shares at 914.8 million Singapore dollars (561 million US). Gainers beat losers 280 to 247 with 657 shares unchanged.
"Volume today is low, generally due to lack of fresh leads," a local brokerage dealer said.
Banking stocks supported the key index, with DBS up 0.10 to 16.50 and UOB gaining 0.10 to 15.40. Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp was flat at 6.85.
Property developer Keppel Land was up 0.06 to 4.36. City Developments lost 0.05 to 9.60 and CapitaLand fell 0.02 to 4.16.
Technology stocks closed lower with Venture Corp dropping 0.10 to 13.10.
Blue chips closed mixed as Singapore Airlines slid 0.20 to 14.50 and Keppel Corp was off 0.10 to 13.30. Singapore Press Holdings rose 0.02 to 4.50 while Singapore Telecommunications gained 0.02 to 2.69.
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