The Federal government has allocated Rs 31.24 billion for 11 new mega projects under Federal Public Sector Development programme 2005-06, official sources revealed to APP here on Saturday.
The sources said the government would execute 54 (proposed projects) at an estimated cost of Rs 74 billion for Conservation of Flood, Water Management's which would conserve 6.8 MAF flood water and would cover 1.3 million on acres in different basins of the province.
Rs 1.50 million have been allocated for feasibility study and detailed designs of 11 projects of which Rs 30 million have been released.
The sources revealed that Rs 5 billion have been allocated to the construction of 200-delay action dams in Balochistan. District Development Working Party (DDWP) has approved the PC-II for 20 million at October 2005 to conduct survey and feasibility.
Rs 6 billion have been allocated for construction of Naulang Storage dam, Jhal Magsi. Wapda has prepared the PC-II of the scheme and is yet to be approved by DDWP. Rs 436 million would be spent on construction of Bolan dam in District Bolan. The PC-II has been approved by DDWP at Rs 9.25 million.
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