Pakistan has imported over 10.523 million kilograms of black tea worth Rs 1,122.06 million from different countries in February as against over 9.99 million kilograms worth Rs 941.688 million imported in January.
According to figures available here, Kenya, with its share of 64.82 percent of the total tea import in the country, remained the major tea exporting country as it exported 6,821,707 kilograms of black tea worth Rs 795,247,810 to Pakistan in February.
Pakistan imported 707,284 kilograms of black tea worth Rs 75,290,403 from Rwanda; 604,011 kilograms worth Rs 488,56,744 from Bangladesh; 554,220 kilograms worth Rs 44,628,565 from Indonesia; 426,975 kilograms worth Rs 23,043,493 from India and 321,340 kilograms worth Rs 20,799,868 from Vietnam during this period. Pakistan also imported some black tea from Burundi, China, Congo, Ethiopia, Malawi, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Uganda in this month. In the same way, Pakistan imported 120,070 kilograms of green tea worth Rs 8,202,261 in February as against 175,392 kilograms worth Rs 11,758,002 imported in January.
China remained the major green tea exporting country to Pakistan as 73,800 kilograms of green tea worth Rs 3,669,234 was imported from this country in one month.
Pakistan imported 19,120 kilograms of green tea worth Rs 2,734,924 from Bangladesh; 19,800 kilograms worth Rs 1,215,482 from Indonesia and 7,350 kilograms worth Rs 682,619 from Vietnam in February.
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