Progressive Youth Front organised an anti-war rally and staged a demonstration against United States on completion of third year of its occupation in Iraq.
The rally was also joined by National Workers Party (NWP), Traqqi-Pasand Organisation, Caritas (Pak) Movement of Workers (MOW), Seep Pakistan, Women Development Organisation (WDO), National Commission for Justice and Peace, Multan Peace Network (MPN) Labour Party Pakistan.
Participants were carrying placards and banners inscribed with slogans," Down with America, "Peace not war, "End aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan, "We condemn attack on Iraq, "Down with Bush, "US policies a great danger to peace, "Boycott the US products," "War is not a solution of any problem, big countries should avoid imposing wars of the smaller states like Iraq, Afghanistan and now Iran," Taj Muhammad Sauz advocate a leader of MOW.
"United States has created a state of fear in the world, now all peace loving should be united to foil its nefarious designs," Haseeb Akhtar of PYF said. "United Nations should take action against the aggressors and it should legislate against the expansionism and veto power must be ended," Suhail Javed of Labour Party Pakistan said.
"US policies caused death of 30,000 children while US government is responsible for killing 1.5 million people and 7,00,000 children by imposing economic sanctions on Iraq."
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