The Government has formed a new National Reforms Commission under the chairmanship of Dr Ishrat Hussain, the ex Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan. What ease he provided to the common man as the central bank's governor is not a topic here.
The commission is to recommend changes in the official procedures to make public life easy. Earlier the Government spent a huge amount and considerable time on introduction of I-tech in Government departments. A colossal sum was spent on introduction of websites, purchase of latest computers, networking, engagement of computer experts on high salaries etc.
Have any of this expense in return brought any change in the working of government departments or relief to the common man. The answer we all know. As universally recognised that it is not the law, procedure or rule which gives justice to the common man rather it is the man sitting on the chair who provides justice.
If the person sitting on chair is blessed with public spirit he would interpret the same rule from the public welfare point of view and if he has anti-public feeling he would interpret the same rule/law the other way around.
On the expiry of my service contract abroad I am returning to Pakistan. I needed some information about taking my used car to Pakistan. Accordingly I addressed the Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, Islamabad, several times through the Pakistan Post Office e-letter service, as usual never to get any response from the Commerce Ministry.
Every new Minister for Overseas Pakistanis or the new Managing Director of Overseas Pakistanis Foundation always raised a slogan: his priority to make OPF a real efficient caring organisation for Overseas Pakistanis but the fact is the performance of OPF is more of slogan.
The OPF in fact has mostly worked as a post office and its officials as senior postmen. Due to non-response from the Ministry of Commerce, I addressed the OPF seeking their help in getting the required information.
The OPF forwarded my enquiry to the Central Board of Revenue, which was a bit surprising for me. However, I thought since OPF officers are in Islamabad their knowledge must be better than me hence they had addressed the inquiry to CBR.
The latter replied to OPF that the matter pertained to the Ministry of Commerce hence OPF forwarded this inquiry to the Ministry. The learned Assistant Director acting as a postman, and I presume without even reading the CBR letter, forwarded the same to me "for my information".
It is not any reform or any I-tech, which will ever bring any ease or real bureaucratic service to the common man. I addressed OPF seeking through them some information I needed. If due to any mistake or through wrong presumption about jurisdiction OPF had addressed a wrong department, had their been a real public spirited Assistant Director.
Instead of just a postman forwarding the CBR reply to me thus taking me back to the square, he would this time had forwarded it to the right authority namely the Ministry of Commerce.
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