There was no let-up in the unannounced load shedding, uninterrupted power breakdowns and continued inattention to distressed consumers' complaints only to ask when the switched off power supply would be resumed to their areas.
The growing disregard to queries in some of the low-income areas where power breakdowns are frequent is becoming common as the KESC staff treat its customers with contempt and, at times, refuse to answer them.
On Saturday and Sunday evenings, Gulbahar, Firdous Colony, Rizvia Society, Nazimabad, North Nazimabad, Federal B Area, part of Ancholi Society, and Gulshen-e-Iqbal experienced the worst power breakdown. Reports of power breakdown from other parts of the city were also received.
On both these days the KESC forced people to play peek-a-boo with it instead of watching ball games - Wimbledon finals and football World Cup final.
The shortage of electricity with KESC and Wapda's refusal to come to its aid added more to the problems of the people.
Though the KESC has repeatedly pointed out electricity theft and rampant use of kunda but its staff hardly comes to the rescue of those consumers who point out the use of kunda.
In most of the schools in public sector there is no legal power supply. It is disconnected for want of clearance of electricity bills. But this does not mean that these schools have no electricity supply. They have resorted to Kunda and the KESC staff refuses to disconnect supply.
Once the power supply is disturbed water shortage occurs. In the affected areas people remained without water supply for two days as the KWSB pumping stations hooked with KESC did not function. As protest, residents in Gulbahar on Saturday evening blocked traffic to register their protest against power shortage.
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