Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi, while announcing the groundbreaking ceremony of Journalists Colony in the first week of September, has said that the master plan has already been prepared and there is no ambiguity. He said that all the problems of journalists would be resolved.
He was talking to Provincial Law Minister Muhammad Basharat Raja on Sunday.
Raja Basharat said the groundbreaking ceremony of Journalists Colony delayed due to the visit of the Chief Minister, saying that the ceremony would be performed in the first week of next month.
Briefing newsmen at Rawalpindi Press Club he said that Rs 2 million grants for Rawalpindi-Islamabad Press Club would be solved next week. Similarly, he said that work on the club renovation and construction of residential rooms would soon be started and the Punjab Chief Minster would formally inaugurate it.
Raja Basharat said that media would also play its fundamental role in the development of Rawalpindi.
He said that during the last three years several mega projects for Rawalpindi development have been completed while work on both sides of -nullah Lei, and Murir Hasan Chowk flyover would start soon.
The minister said that a modern traffic system is also being introduced in the city, adding that 10,000 traffic personnel have been appointed and they are being imparted training.
He said that the traffic problem of the twin cities would be resolved to a great extent. He said that the system has also been introduced in four other cities of Punjab.
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