The traffic police in line with their traditional attitude manhandled yet another journalist here on Wednesday. According to the details, a reporter of Business Recorder Azhar Ali Khan went to a bank branch at M A Jinnah Road leaving his motorbike No KBS-4588 at the parking lot.
When he returned, the motorbike was not there while a number of bikes owned by the bank employees were still there. It was known that the traffic police had lifted the bike to Garden Headquarters Traffic Police Section.
The policemen without uniform at the Headquarters mistreated the BR staffer and used abusive language. When they were asked that on what charge the bike had been lifted they replied that it was in the no-parking zone.
When they were courted that why the other bikes owned by bank employees were not lifted, one policeman namely Asif, used highly abusive language. "A journalist means nothing to us, we tackle a dozen journalists a day in the similar manner. Either you pay the money or keep sitting here. I will show you how we treat journalists," Asif said adding that the journalists had formed a mafia.
It was also learnt that the bank pays a hefty amount to traffic police for the parking. The policeman at headquarters demanded Rs 450 for the release of the motorbike after wasting one and a half-hour of the journalist. The motorbike also suffered damages during its inappropriate lifting to the traffic post.
When contacted, DIG Traffic, Falak Khurshid said that traffic police was not responsible for the damages to the vehicles during the lifting and added that they are lifted on the owners risk. "Traffic police has to tow away the vehicles and if the vehicles incur damages during the transfer, it is not our concern," Falak Khurshid remarked.
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