Punjab University has announced the results of BA/BSc annual examination 2006 in which as many as 52,811 candidates have been declared successful out of 157,968 candidates who appeared in the examination, showing pass percentage as 33.43 percent.
In B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) Ayesh Zahid D/o Zahid Mehmood Roll No 030890, National Science College, Gujranwala by securing 668 marks, Sadia Saeed D/o Saeed Ahmad Roll No 070224 Government Queen Marry College, Lahore by obtaining 663 marks and Saleha Qayyum D/o Abdul Qayyum Roll. No 069585 Government Queen Marry College, Lahore by getting 657 marks have secured first, second and third position, respectively.
In B.A (Bachelor of Arts) Shahzad ul Haq s/o Haq Nawaz Roll No 095446, external candidate from Lahore district who secured 680 marks was placed in first position while Saba Urooj D/o Muhammad Javed Roll No 055044 Government College for Women, Jaranwala by securing 642 marks and Mehwish Rashid D/o Abdul Rashid Roll No 119811 external candidate from Okara District by getting 633 marks have obtained second and third position, respectively.
It is pertinent to mention here that eight colleges affiliated with the Punjab University have shown zero percent result as none of their students could pass the examination. These colleges include: Government College Bhaipheru, Government Millat Degree College Faisalabad, Prince Salman College of Professional Education, Farash Town Islamabad, Government College Kamoke, Ghazali College for Women, College Road, Township, Lahore, Mansoora Model Degree College Wahdat Road, Lahore, Government College for Women Pasrur and Government Islamia College Sangla Hill.
The results were announced at a ceremony held at Faisal Auditorium, Punjab University, New campus. In his introductory note Punjab University Controller of Examinations Professor Dr Taqi Zahid Butt stated that BA/BSc. annual examination 2006 was held from 21st March 2006 to 18th April 2006.
Speaking on the occasion Punjab University vice-chancellor Arshad Mahmood announced cash prize of Rs 100,000, 80,000 and 60,000 for the first, second and third position holders, respectively. 'If the position holders will take admission in any teaching department of the University of the Punjab they will be provided education and hostel facility free of cost as an incentive. PU examination system has been computerised, while annual convocation is held regularly and all results are available on-line', he said.
Passing marks have been increased from 33 to 40 percent with an aggregate of 45 percent for both M.A/M.Sc. and BA/B.Sc. Central marking system is being introduced instead of external examiners to eliminate mal-practices/corruption and to save time. The University has constructed and Examination Centre comprising 12 Halls for 6000 candidates at one time. It has internal communication system. A computerised degree has been designed and a new system using off-set machine is being used to produce 3000 degrees in one hour as against 20 for old system, he added.
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