The US Government has made a generous offer to help Lebanon as reported in the Press. I quote, "And I believe that Lebanon can and will emerge stronger from these events. As it does so, the United States will be working side by side."
In the 34-day war Israel has wreaked havoc on the people of Lebanon and its infrastructure. The human cost is 1300 people dead, 3700 wounded, 900,000 made homeless.
In terms of infrastructure $2.5 billion will be required to rebuild what has been shamelessly destroyed by the terrorist government in power in Tel Aviv. Is this the type of help they want to give to Lebanon?
1. War crimes trials be held in The Hague to try all the criminals involved in this holocaust. From the Prime Minister down to the Military Commanders. Exemplary punishments be meted out to this criminal bunch so that no Zionist, or their big brothers, dares to murder Muslims in future. Unless this is done Muslim blood will continue to be spilled by the terrorists of Tel Aviv and their supporters.
2. The regime of Tel Aviv be forced to pay war reparations to the Lebanese Government so that the infrastructure destroyed by them is re-built. There is sufficient precedence in International Law to get this accomplished. It is time that the Zionists and their Big Brothers, learn that they cannot destroy countries without repercussions. Once they have paid these reparations they will think twice before embarking on such ludicrous illegal adventures.
3. As far as UN resolutions are concerned the UN Secretary General should publish the list of Security Council resolutions which have been breached by the Zionist regime in Tel Aviv. These resolutions have been treated like "toilet paper" by the Zionists, with full support of their "Big Brothers." A time-limit should be set for the implementation of Security Council resolutions. If this is not done then the UN itself is in jeopardy and will have no moral or legal authority in this or other conflicts.
Let us stand up and support lawful behaviour by the nations.
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