The Karachi Port handled 105,481 tonnes of cargo including 91,277 tonnes import, 14,204 tonnes export cargo and 2,691 containers during last 24 hours ending at 0700 hours on Thursday.
The cargo comprised of 58,043 tonnes dry cargo including 35,593 tonnes general cargo; 3,890 tonnes sugar; 6,360 tonnes fertiliser; 12,200 tonnes coal and 47,438 tonnes oil/liquid cargo.
Seven ships namely Thor Captain, Apl Osaka, Oriental Bouquet, Hellas Endurance, Danuta, Fortune Spirit and Maya Princess sailed out to sea during the report period. Six vessels viz Hyundai Sprinter, Y M Mondego, Pation-1, Manhatttan Princess, MT Swat and Olympics-1 are currently at the berths.
One ship namely Prex expected to sail on Thursday, while six vessels viz Kota Merdesa, Bunga Delima, Y M Mondego, Pation-1, MT Swat and Olympics-1 expected to sail on Friday. Four vessels viz MT Lalazar, Bunga Delima, Iran Kordestan and Chi Feng Kuo due to arrive on Thursday, while six ships namely Gagasan Malaka, Maersk Arkansas, CMA CGM Victoria, SP 5-Eric G ibson, Kota Perkasa and Haje Khereh are due to arrive on Friday.
The cargo comprised of 23,511 tonnes crude oil; 2,112 tonnes sugar; 1,528 tonnes cement; 7,039 tonnes coke; 6,632 tonnes chemicals; 7,830 tonnes seeds and 32,096 tonnes containerised cargo.
Container Ship San Clement sailed out to sea during the report period, while two more ships namely CV CMA CGM Sambhar and CV ACX Jasmine are expected to sail on Thursday. A total of six vessels viz Saudi Hofuf, Qai Al-Fija'a, ACX Jasmine, Sargodha, Aqua Star and Rich Deuchess are currently at the outer anchorage. Two ships namely MT Qai Al-Fija'a and CV ACX Jasmine due to take berths on Thursday.
Container vessel CV Xiang Wan due to arrive on Thursday, while another container vessel MSC Samia is due to arrive on Friday.
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