Oxfam Country Representative, Farhana Farouqi said on Sunday that after October 8 devastating earthquake in AJK and NWFP, positive and big progress had been made for the relief and rehabilitation of people in these areas.
Talking to a private news channel, she said, there were two phases of relief and rehabilitation efforts. One was to save peoples' life and save them from winter cold and the second was reconstruction phase, she added. The affected areas were the world's most difficult terrains and construction was a difficult job, she added.
According to an earlier assessment by Erra, 404,000 houses were destroyed by the quake and people needed cash assistance, she said and added most of them had been given the cash assistance. She said people had now started constructing their houses in these quake-affected areas.
Farhana Farouqi said nearly 4000 water schemes were destroyed, out of these work on 2000 had been launched and full recovery would need time. She said even Japan had taken five years to recover from the effects of quake.
However, current progress in these quake-hit areas is positive, she added.
She said 20 to 30 percent of affected families had rebuilt their houses while others had built temporary houses.
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