District Nazim Raja Javed Ikhlas said on Sunday asked the private sector to join hands with the government for promotion of quality education in the country. He was addressing as chief guest at the concluding ceremony of a Teachers' Training Workshop on Project Citizen Pakistan, arranged by Centre for Civic Education Pakistan (CCE).
The project is being implemented in seventeen selected schools and by four youth organisations of Rawalpindi. Appreciating efforts of the CCE for civic education of students and youth, the District Nazim said there was dire need of such initiatives in rural areas and assured the centre of his government co-operation for such a programme in rural areas of Rawalpindi district. He said a master plan for revamping civic structures in Rawalpindi has been approved and funds from the federal and provincial governments have been procured.
He said the district government will spend more than Rs 10 billion on mega projects and that projects for waste disposal and its recycling, supply of clean drinking water and replacement old water supply pipes in a phased manner, redirecting of sewerage water from Nullah Leh to Addiala and setting up of a treatment plant has been approved and is in implementation process.
He said the district government has also planned construction of underpasses and flyovers to ensure smooth flow of traffic. He said the district government has also prepared a plan to construct 15 public toilets in different parts of the city.
Zafarullah Khan, executive director of the Centre for Civic Education Pakistan, said that Project Citizen Pakistan is being implemented in more than 60 schools in Rawalpindi, Lahore, Peshawar and Islamabad to promote concept of active citizenship.
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