Despite warnings from numerous influential people across the globe, a major extensive program has just been launched with the aims of establishing communications with aliens.
METI (Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence) a new initiative is set up to send out signals into space with the hopes that extra-terrestrials are going to pick them up or receive them. METI will go into works from 2018 onwards enabling humans to get in touch with aliens in lieu of us waiting for them to do so.
However, scientists of long have warned against sending out such messages as essentially notifying aliens of our existence could lead to disastrous outcomes. The list also includes Stephan Hawking, who has already done so earlier on.
Earlier on this year, he had issued a warning saying we should be wary of responding to any messages from aliens based on the hypothesis, which basically just reiterates on what Columbus did to the natives and dictating that aliens usually come with hostile intent.
As of now, there are no laws or rules to regulate messages sent and/or received from space or even what those messages say. With the aspiration of having the first message be understood by whoever or whatever lies beyond the initial message, will likely use basic mathematical and scientific concepts.
The group hopes to raise $1 million to start that work. Some of that money will go towards building or borrowing a powerful transmitter that can send a message out into the universe.
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