Pakistan is exporting honey to Gulf and other states after attaining self-sufficiency in production of honeybee. Produced from plants, it is of prime quality and can be sold at good price in open markets abroad.
Beekeeping has become a profession of income generating and existence of 240,000 colonies of honeybee in all four provinces and Azad Kashmir is proving its advancement and success.
An increase in average yield of honey per colony has been registered from 4 kg to 21 kg while increase in total production of honey in the country increased from 250 tonnes to 2,500 tonnes since 1982. Development of new honey bee management techniques, production and distribution of genetically superior honeybee queens are vital to achieve progress.
Honeybee Research Institute provides training to people in beekeeping by courses as inexperienced people squeeze unripe beehives and extract honey mixed with bee parts which could be hazardous for consumption. "We are striving for promotion of use of honeybees for pollination of vegetable seed fodder, fruit crops for higher yield, development of low cost comb foundation locally to replace costly and imported metal sheets to farmers," an official said.
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