Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarian spokesman senator Farhatullah Babar has said that the PPP-P upholds the constitutional position according to which all lands belong to the province.
He stated this in his statement issued on Sunday.
"The handpicked Chief Minister and apologist for the military regime Arbab Rahim is wrong in claiming that the Karachi islands were given to the federal government by Sindh government to do with it what it liked" he said.
He said that the federal government and its agencies may ask for such lands for a specific purpose but if not used for that specific purpose the land reverts to the province concerned.
The PPP-P spokesman said that while the Karachi islands may have been requested by the federal government for a particular purpose, the federal government no longer needs it for that purpose and the lands therefore revert to the provincial government of Sindh.
He said that any agreement about the islands must be signed by the government of Sindh and the revenues generated must also go the provincial government.
While signing the agreement the Sindh government must also take necessary steps to protect the rights of the fisher folk, the mangroves and other related issues, he said.
"The signing of the agreement by the federal government is illegal as the land does not belong to the federal government."
Farhatullah Babar said that while PPP is in favour of foreign investment and developing Sindh's economy to benefit the joblessness and the poor, the usurpation of the rights of a province by the federation is illegal, meant to deprive the province of its just shares that could result in further weakening of the federation.
National interest demands that the rights of the province of Sindh, as indeed of other provinces, be safeguarded through just treatment in accordance with law and constitution, he said.
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