Punjab Minister for Labour Welfare, Rana Qasim Noon has said on Saturday sectarian harmony and unity among the ranks of Muslims was the need of the hour which could help resolve the problems being faced to the Ummah.
Presiding over a meeting of religious scholars, and member of Peace Committee here.
He said they needed to learn lessen from the past mistakes which triggered bloody violence and led to the destruction of properties and valuables, saying the people were fully aware of the problems and difficulties of present era that was why it was the collective responsibility of the nation to remain in peace and calm for the successful observance of religious festivals.
Shia Ulema and licence holder of Taazia apprised the minister of the problems and hardships in connection with observance of Muharram and called for provision of facilities and security for the processions to be taken out during the month. He assured them all possible facilities and said the government wanted the sincere cooperation of the religious clerics, leaders of different schools of thought and ordinary people for maintaining peace during Muharram.
He further said extraordinary measures had been taken to protect the processions and rallies to taken out at various places of the province and in this connection all the concerned quarters have been strictly directed to do their job with honestly, adding the police force had been provided with modern and sophisticated weapons to avert any untoward incident. He said Shia and Sunni clerics had been asked to avoid furious speeches and preach the worshippers with patience and tolerance and promote religious brotherhood and harmony.
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