Bandits in three separate dacoity incidents, looted cash and valuables amounting to Rs 836,000 here on Sunday. According to report, in first incident, four bandits looted a tractor valued of Rs 500,000 and cash of Rs 30 thousands from the Dera of Manak Ali in Chak 70/4-R.
In another incident, the dacoit looted a Pattoki based farmer Manak Ali on Bunga Hayat road near Chak 47/5-L, who was on way to Chak 81/5-L to see his lands. The dacoits deprived him of Rs 6000, a golden chain, golden ring valued for rupees 50 thousands and two mobiles. The third incident was reported from Chak 80/5-R where eight armed persons on gun point took away a buffalo, cow and an ox from a trader Muhammad Anwer.
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