In one of the biggest advancements in fundamental transistor design, Intel Corporation has revealed that it is using two new materials to build the insulating walls and switching gates of its 45 nanometer (nm) transistors.
Hundreds of millions of these microscopic transistors or switches will be inside the next generation Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel Core 2 Quad and Xeon families of multi-core processors, said a press release on Thursday. The company also said it had five early-version products up and running-the first of fifteen 45nm processor products planned from Intel.
The transistor feat allows the company to continue delivering record-breaking PC, laptop and server processor speeds, while reducing the amount of electrical leakage from transistors that could hamper chip and PC design, size, power consumption, noise and costs.
Intel believes it has extended its lead of more than a year over the rest of semiconductor industry with the first working 45nm processors of its next-generation 45nm family of products codenamed Penryn.
Intel is implementing new material that drastically reduces transistor leakage and increases performance in its 45nm process technology. The company will use a new material with a property called high-k, for the transistor gate dielectric, and a new combination of metal materials for the transistor gate electrode, it said.-PR
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