Recent research carried out on the effects of regular exercise on our sex drive discovered other than the confidence-boost working out may give us; there too are some other physiological effects.
While physical fitness stimulates our feel-good hormones, increases the blood flow, and even get us in the right mental-state; it was also found that men who exercise moderately have better penile function than those who do not.
However, lead researcher of the study, Professor Anthony Hackney says there is though a tipping point. In the study, researchers from University of North Carolinas Department of Exercise and Sport Science, 1100 physically-sound men were inquired about their fitness routine, including intensity, duration, frequency and libido as well as their general health.
After taking in age, it was discovered that the participants with low-mid range training routines had better chances of a higher libido than those with highest training intensity. Likewise, those who trained for shorter or mid-range durations reported higher libido than endurance athletes.
"Exposure to higher levels of chronic intense and greater durations of endurance training on a regular basis are significantly associated with ... decreased libido scores in men," the paper's authors concluded.
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