The Sindh High Court on Wednesday adjourned the proceedings in appeals by a leader of Mohajir Qaumi Movement (MQM-Haqiqi), Amir Khan, and another party man, Raees Topi, challenging the punishment awarded to them by a trial court in a double murder case.
Adjournment came on the request of Iqtidar Ali Hashmi, advocate, who appeared before the bench and submitted that he would represent the State in the matter as Special Prosecutor. It may be mentioned here that an anti-terrorism court (ATC) for Karachi Division had convicted the appellants and two others on December 15, 2004 in a double murder case and awarded life imprisonment to three accused namely Tariq alias Bata, Raees Topi and Kala Nazim, while Amir Khan was given imprisonment for 10 years.
The four convicted were awarded punishment in a case of firing on workers of Muttahida Qaumi Movement during the polling in Landhi area of the city held in connection with bye-election on NA-255, on June 23, 2003. The firing left two workers of Muttahida namely Muhammad Naeem and Anam dead while Muhammad Shahid sustained injuries. The appeal moved by State for enhancement of the punishment awarded is also pending before SHC.
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