Bulls commanded the proceedings at the Islamabad Stock Exchange (ISE) where equities showed healthy signs amid increase in index. ISE Ten Index was up by 9.80 points, as the index moved from 2,698.25 to 2,708.05 points. The overall turnover amounted to 70,000 shares as compared to previous volume of 137,500 shares.
Total 121 companies participated in buying and selling activity. Majority of stocks (68) closed in positive territory, 52 closed in negative territory, whereas one company remained glued to its overnight levels. The turnover of PTCL was 26,000 shares as compared to previous volume of 35,000 shares.
The turnover of Fauji Cement was 21,000 shares as compared to previous volume of 60,000 shares. The volume of Fauji Fertiliser was Bin Qasim was 10,000 shares as compared to previous volume of 36,000 shares.
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