Punjab Chief Minister, Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi has stressed upon assembly members, Nazims and Muslim League office-bearers to organise and strengthen PML at every level through a positive and constructive thinking and face every political challenge with mutual harmony, discipline and unity in the party ranks.
He said that PML had proved during the last four-and-a-half years that it is fully capable and determined to give a practical shape to the programme of social development and public service.
He was addressing assembly members and Nazims of Multan at Chief Minister's Secretariat, here on Saturday. Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture, Sikandar Hayat Bosan, Provincial Minister for Agriculture Arshad Khan Lodhi, Minister for Sports, Moeen Qureshi, Minister for Labour, Rana Qasim Noon, Special Assistant to Chief Minister, Hafiz Iqbal Khaqwani, District Nazim Mian Faisal Mukhtar and Senator Javed Ali Shah were also present on the occasion.
The chief minister said that welfare and uplift of the masses is the main feature of the policies of the government. He said that development projects in education, health and other sectors of social development were being completed expeditiously so that people could fully benefit from the fruits of progress.
He said that more funds than the ratio of population were being given to southern Punjab so that the people of this region could equally avail development opportunities. He said that a number of projects in health, irrigation, agriculture, education, infrastructure development and other sectors were being executed in southern Punjab besides the pace of generation of job opportunities had also been accelerated.
He said that positive results of development strategy of PML had started emerging due to which the economic condition of the masses had improved which would result in glorious success of PML in the forthcoming general elections. He said that problems of the people were being resolved at the local level due to excellent working relationship between the provincial and district governments.
He stressed upon assembly members and Nazims to play their due role for resolving the problems of the people through direct public contact. He said that efforts should be intensified for strengthening the process of development, as it would further improve the confidence of the people in the present leadership.
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