Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi on his visit to southern part of the city here on Sunday has given instructions to shift 'Leather Market' out of the city premises. The demand in this regard was put to him by public representatives of PP-147 who told the CM that due to presence of the market, generally known as 'Chamra Mandi' health hazards for the citizens were created.
The CM also inaugurated a tough tile plant in the area on the occasion. Punjab CM who visited Faiz Bagh, Chamra Mandi, Pak Nagar, Kacchu Pura, Wasan Pura, Baghbanpura, Angori Bagh, Mujahida Abad, and Sahowari inspected Rs 4 billion worth of development projects on Lahore Wahga Road. He announced to construct a flyover near 'Aik Mooria Pul'. The CM also instructed to establish 'Green Belt 'on Lahore-Wahga border on the occasion.
The CM during the visit said that a former prime minister and his brother also a former CM of Punjab despite remaining in power for 18 years made false promises with the citizens of the cosmopolitan city, while during their tenure, projects of Lahore Ring Road, under passes and mega projects had been initiated in the city. The CM said on this performance PML-Q would sweep the forthcoming national elections.
The CM also inaugurated projects under 'Community Uplift Programme' and 'Big City Package' in the southern Lahore on the occasion. Provincial ministers, District Nazim Amir Mahmood and others were present on the occasion.
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