The Perilous Journey by Lennart Nilsson
The Perilous Journey
Science & Technology, Honorable Mention prize singles
The moment of fertilization, revealed by an ultra high scanning electron microscope. In the race to reach the egg cell, up to 500,000,000 human sperm set out on the perilous journey to the Fallopian tube, which only 100 to 150 sperm survive.
Photo Credit: Lennart Nilsson
Lennart Nilsson has been described as a genius, a legend and pioneer. A renaissance man in the twentieth century. A pioneering scientist and explorer. He has been compared to Carl von Linné and Leonardo da Vinci. He is considered one of photographic history's most important photographers. He himself is more modest. "I'm just a photographer who happened to be fascinated by the man."
Lennart Nilsson is a photographer who thinks journalism. An educator with a camera that sees its greatest challenge in being able to explain the unexplainable and to make the invisible visible. An educator with the ability to depict everyday life and get other people to see. Which handles the art of winning people's trust and therefore close to them.
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