Pakistani fast bowler Shaoib Akhtar was hospitalised on Tuesday with a chest infection ahead of the second Test against India, the Press Trust of India reported. Shoaib Akhtar, who led Pakistan's attack against the hosts during their first Test match in New Delhi, was taken to a hospital in Kolkata city, the news agency said.
He was the most impressive Pakistani bowler, taking six wickets in the first match. Akhtar, who had a high temperature, has been diagnosed with a chest infection, Pakistan team media manager Ehsan Malik told reporters.
"The doctor diagnosed a chest infection and said it was advisable to put him on injectible antibiotics and intravenous fluids. He has been admitted to the hospital," Malik said.
It was not immediately known whether the paceman would play in the second Test starting in Kolkata on Friday. Pakistan trail 1-0 in the three-Test series following their six-wicket defeat in the opening match.
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