Fabio Capello embarked on the task of restoring England's football fortunes on Monday with a pledge to drag the best out of the country's under-performing stars. The Italian, who has a reputation as a strict disciplinarian, also issued a warning that noone could take a place in his team for granted.
"Places in the national team have to be earned through behaviour, play and attitude," he said, while declining to offer any real clues as to his thinking on issues such as whether John Terry continues as captain or whether David Beckham gets to complete a century of caps.
Capello, who vowed that he would be able to communicate with Wayne Rooney and co. in English by the time he formally takes up the post next month, is confident he can revive a squad still smarting from their failure to qualify for Euro 2008.
"It is just a question of getting it out of them and I greatly hope to be the man to do that. "I want to try to understand what has happened (in the past) by talking to the players. Wearing the national shirt should be a matter of pride and I want to see them performing as they do for their clubs."
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