As per instructions of Punjab Chief Minister, Sardar Dost Muhammad Khan Khosa, District Co-ordination Officer Muzaffargarh, Dr Akhtar Nazir Warraich, has launched a vigorous drive against smugglers, hoarders and profiteers to ensure smooth supply of flour in the district.
The police have foiled a bid to smuggle 3,300 bags of "Atta" and wheat to Balochistan and arrested 12 persons from different parts of the district. Karam Dad Qureshi Police seized truck Nos. 298/PKJ, 132/TKF, 76/TKB, 533/TKB, 574/TKB, 1432/ZBT. Khangarh Police seized truck No 117/TKF. PS City Muzaffargarh seized truck No 6849/MNA.
Daira Din Panah Police seized truck Nos. 8765/BN, 1084/LSB, 1460/Lucky Marwat and arrested Naik Muhammad s/o Muhammad Rahim Raes of Chaman Quetta, Allaudin s/o Jalal Din of Quetta, Kamal Din s/o Muhammad Khan Quetta, Bolam s/o Far Khan Quetta, Faita Muhammad s/o Nazar Muhammad, Abdul Ghani s/o Ali Jan of Quetta, Chasam Khan s/o Mula Khan Quetta, Haji Liaqat Ali, Syed Shabir Hussain, foreman Bino Floor Mills Muzaffargarh, Haji Hamidullah Khan s/o Gul Muhammad, Sami ullah s/o Faiz ullah, and Iaj Muhammad s/o Ali Muhammad.
Police have registered cases against them under section 3/6 Food Acts. As per instructions of DCO, food department and police established 15 check posts at different points in the Muzaffargarh district to stop the atta smuggling. DPO Maqsood-ul-Hassan Chaudhry looked after the operation against the atta smugglers and DSP City Saif Ullah Khan led the raiding parties.
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