The Sindh Minister for Revenue and Relief, Syed Murad Ali Shah has said that new government has decided to modernise the Revenue department with latest technology. It would not only enhance revenue recovery capacity but also bring solution to the people's complaint.
'It will ensure foolproof preservation of records of rights of public and private properties in future', he said while presiding over meeting of the officers of Board of Revenue at its committee room on Saturday.
The Minister said that the government has planned to launch a crash programme to bring reforms and re-strengthen the Revenue department and digitalise the microfilming system with backup support that would enhance professional efficiency. Further, Shah said that the step was taken in view of microfilming conservation cannot last more than hundred years while digitalisation could maintain records for many centuries.
He directed the officers concerned to reproduce the record of rights that was burnt/destroyed during past incidents including of 27th December, 2007 and send it to the concerned offices to bring the affectees out of crises. The Minister asked the officers to expedite this work by purchasing more printing machines.
'Revenue collection was the prime duty of the department and officers must fulfil the job with honesty and dedication', he said. Furthermore, he stated that restoration of credibility among the masses was the big challenge for the officers, could be met through punctuality, honesty and accessibility to the people.
While referring to some difficulties, about the shortage of officers and influence of local government on the Revenue officers, Shah said that some amendments in the SLGO would be recommended to Federal Government to make the Revenue department and its officers independent and impartial.
'I believe in solving the people's problem at grassroots level and urged the officers to adopt strategies remove difficulties people's lives. Later, Shah told the press that he had directed the Directorate of Revenue Inspection to detect and prepare a comprehensive report on land grabbers and warned of drastic action against such criminals.
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