The Lahore High Court handed over a child named Zaeem to her mother Dr Shazia when the Model Town Superintendent produced him to the court with his father Amir Farhan. The court also ordered the police to recover Dr Shahzia's documents and bring her to the court on April 29.
The orders came in the hearing of a petition filed by Nusrat Uzama Pirzada seeking the recovery of her sister Dr Shazia with her two children from the custody of her husband Amir Farhan. The court bailiff on Wednesday last had produced Dr Shazia and her nine-month old daughter Aliza after recovering them from the custody of Amir. The bailiff had also produced Yousaf Nadeem, father of Amir, who was apprehended while trying to escape with the minor Aliza. Amir managed to escape with his son Zaeem.
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