Grand Louvre by Raphael Gaillarde
Grand Louvre
Arts and Entertainment, second prize stories
In 1993 the Louvre Palace celebrated its 200th anniversary as a public museum. It was the Count d'Angivillier who began cataloguing, expanding and restoring the collection in the 18th century. Today, the palace boasts a glass pyramid and an underground parking garage. In November President Mitterrand marked the bicentennial by opening an additional 22,000 square meters of exhibition space as part of the Grand Louvre project. One of the largest and most famous museums in the world, the Louvre receives some five million visitors a year. About 25,000 art works are exhibited at any one time.
Commissioned by: Gamma
Photo Credit: Raphaël Gaillarde
In 1989, Raphael Gaillarde received The Oskar Barnack Award for the research from a dirigible at the roof of the Amazon rainforest. The Oskar Barnack Award, presented almost continuously since 1979, recognizes photography expressing the relationship between man and the environment.
Raphael Gaillarde is a 1993 World Press Photo Award for Arts and Entertainment winner.
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