Following a surprise visit by Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif to Lahore General Hospital, substantial improvement has been witnessed in the hospital affairs and standard of medical facilities being extended to patients besides the cleanliness condition of the hospital.
In response to the Chief Minister's instructions, the hospital administration has borrowed a generator from Wapda to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the health facility. Similarly 25 new air-conditioners have been purchased for various wards of the hospitals while six air-conditioners have been donated by philanthropists.
Out of these 31 air-conditioners, 15 have been installed in neuro surgery wards, 10 in children ward and the remaining six air-conditioners will also be installed in neuro surgery ward.
The patients said that Shahbaz's visit had left a positive impact on the hospital. Patients in Ward-19, Khalil Ahmed, Mehr Ali, Khalid Javed said that they were receiving quality treatment and satisfied with the facilities being extended to them.
Mehar Ali said that now medicines are being given to him on time while the doctors are also paying regular visits. A patient, Khalid Javed said that when Mian Shahbaz visited the hospital he was surprised to find that Mian Sahib had recognised him even after sixteen years and said "Jaidi Tum Yahan".
The patients at female ward also expressed same views. The lauded the installation of air-conditioner in the wards as they patient was suffering from the hot weather. They said that the cleanliness condition in the hospital has substantially improved. The attendants of the patients also expressed satisfaction over the improvement in condition of the hospital.
Medical Superintendent Dr Umar Farooq informed that CT Scan of 70 to 80 patients is carried out daily while 35 to 40 MRI are also conducted in the hospital is more than the total CT Scans and MRI performed in all the hospitals of Lahore. He said there are two CT Scan machines in the hospital which are used in rotation.
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