Faizabad police recovered Rs 269,500 cash and jewellery worth Rs 3.56 looted from a bank earlier. Addressing a press conference at his office here, District Police officer (DPO) Nankana Sahib Akbar Nasir Khan said on Friday. A week back National Bank of Pakistan, Mandi Faizabad branch was looted in which security guard Noor Hussain was killed and cash and jewellery worth Rs 3.8 million were looted, se daid.
The DPO said police raided hideout of culprit Qasim on a tip off and recovered Rs 269,500 cash and gold ornaments worth Rs 3.56 million from his possession. The culprit confessed his involvement in other crimes during investigation. The DPO has announced cash prizes and certificates for police officials who arrested the criminal.
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