The Karachi Port handled 66,858 tonnes of cargo including 54,688 tonnes of import, 12,170 tonnes of export cargo and 1,767 loaded and empty containers (TEUs) during last 24 hours ending at 0700 hours on Tuesday. The freights comprised of 51,588 tonnes of dry cargo including 36,766 tonnes of general cargo; 14,822 tonnes of bulk cargo and 15,270 tonnes of oil/liquid cargo.
Two ships namely Hyundai Admiral and Bunga Teratai Dua sailed out to sea during the reported period. Three vessels viz Noor-e-Madina, Mol Admiration and Bunga Teratai Dua are currently at the berths. Two ships namely Oram Blossom and Iran Rajai expected to sail on Tuesday.
Three vessels viz Hanjin Qingdao, Mir Damad and Don Franc Bulic due to arrive on Tuesday while another ten ships namely Neptune, Pro Victor, Kapitan Byankin, Kota Ekspres, Apl Jebel Ali, Apl Shenzhen, Soon Fu, Nova Sky, Lucky Arrow and Industrial Dawn are due to arrive on Wednesday.
The cargoes comprised of 12,239 tonnes of furnace oil; 11,863 tonnes diesel oil; 1,331 tonnes carbon oil; 3,200 tonnes of palm oil; 6,152 tonnes of phosphoric acid and 8,328 tonnes of containerised cargo. Three vessels viz MT Vanguard Viking-I, CV MSC Lana and MT Neptune sailed out to sea during last 24 hours while another two ships namely MT Sky Ace-I and MT Al-Soor-II are expected to sail on Tuesday afternoon.
A total of thirteen ships namely Maersk Danang, Sinar Agra, Iran Hamzeh, St. Mark, Vema Ocean, Mare Atlantic, Sulavesi Palm, Gem of Rozi, Med Salvador, Energy Falcon, Mustafa Bay, Orient-II and Bernica carrying containers, iron ore, wheat, furnace oil, crude oil, palm oil, coke, rape seed and cement respectively are currently at the outer anchorage.
Seven vessels viz CV MSC Lana, MV Christina, MT Neptune, MV Mare Atlantic, MT Sky Ace-1, MT Vanguard Viking-I and MT Al-Soor-II are currently occupying berths to load/offload containers, cement, phosphoric acid, carbon oil, palm oil; furnace oil and diesel oil respectively during the report period.
Eight ships namely Global Jupiter, Prem Pride, CMA CGM Nilgai, ACX Marguerite, Maersk Iowa, MSC Rosa-M, Babitonga and Qem Star carrying palm oil, crude oil, containers, coke and chemicals are due to arrive.
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