The Karachi Port handled 89,070 tonnes of cargo including 45,281 tonnes of import, 43,789 tonnes of export cargo and 5,199 loaded and empty containers (TEUs) during last 24 hours ending at 0700 hours on Friday. The freights comprised of 84,370 tonnes of dry cargo including 54,859 tonnes of general cargo 29,511 tonnes of bulk cargo and 4,700 tonnes of oil/liquid cargo.
Five ships namely Bunga Tertai Dua, Hanjin Chittagong, Lalazar, Chopol-2 and M M M Kingston sailed out to sea during the reported period. Seven vessels viz Eleni T, Kota Pardana, Apl Yokohama, Hadrian, Lady Rea, Union Carrier and Cosmos Sun are currently at the berths.
Three ships namely X-Press Khyber, Abrar and Union Carrier expected to sail on Friday. Four ships namely Ltc Calvin P. Titus, Cap Gabriel, Vancover-II and Obs Anita due to arrive on Friday while four ships namely Capriolf, HH Tide, Qsm Dubai and Ashraf-B are due to arrive on Saturday.
Three container ships namely CMA CGM Kingston, Al-Mariyah and Lahore Express and one edible oil carrier MT Process sailed out to sea during last 24 hours while another container ship MSC Lucia is expected to sail on Friday. A total of eleven ships namely Taian Hai, Karavados, Kolocap, Maria, Darya Radhe, Voc Progress, MSC Germany, Sichem Melbourne, Jorita, Yanaseni and Musan carrying wheat, containers, chemicals, iron ore and cement respectively are currently at the outer anchorage.
Seven vessels viz CV Lahore Express, CV MSC Lucia, CV Al-Mariyah, MV Golden Beam Trader, MV Pacific Scorpio, MT Process and MV Vaafi are currently occupying berths to load/offload containers, wheat, palm oil and iron ore respectively during the report period. Container ship namely MSC Germany and chemicals carrier Yanaseni are expected to take berths at Qasim International Containers Terminal and Engro Terminal respectively on Friday.
Two vessels viz MT Sea Sky and MT Shintoku due to arrive on Friday while two more ships namely MT World Bride and MT Al-Soor-II with palm oil and diesel oil are due to arrive on Saturday. Four ships namely Sinar Busan, Royal Aqua, Gladiator and Bison Express carrying Palm oil, wheat and live cattle are also due to arrive.
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